Today recipe is Fried Yee Mee. Yee Mee is a quite common household noodle to cook every single week in our home and it’s quite versatile too.

You can cook Yee Mee by frying them Cantonese style or even cook them in a soup or even make a Hokkien Yee Mee. And, my favorite is cooked them sizzling style. Hmm… Hmmm so delicious!

So, today I’m going to share how to make this Cantonese style Fried Yee Mee. Hope you’ll like it!

Happy Cooking!

With love? from our simple kitchen to yours.


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Fried Yee Mee| Yee Mee Cantonese |Cantonese Fried Yee Mee Recipe |Yee Mee Goreng

Yield: 2-3 persons

300g Yee Mee (thick)
2-3 stalks spring onion cut 3-4cm length
1.50-liter water
2 eggs, beaten
5 garlic, minced
2 dried shitake mushroom, soak and slice thinly
120g Cabbage sliced thinly
8 pcs prawns, remove the head and shell, left the tail and deveined
1 tbsp cooking oil
1 tsp rice wine, optional

3 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt

Thickening Liquid:
3 tsp Tapioca Flour
2 tbsp water

Marinate chicken breast:
1 ( about 200g) chicken breast, sliced thinly
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tbsp tapioca flour
3-4 tbsp water

Dipping Sauce:
2 Thai’s Red Chilies, sliced
1-2 tbsp soy sauce

1. Heat oil in a wok. Add minced garlic. Stir for a few seconds.
2. Add shitake mushroom and continue to stir for another 15 seconds.
3. Add 1.50-litre water. Wait for the water boiling.
4. Throw in cabbage and seasoning.
5. Add sliced chicken and yee mee.
6. Once yee mee soften, add white part of spring onion.
7. Add prawns, spring onion and thickening liquid. Stir well.
8. Add eggs and rice wine. Stir well and it’s done!
Enjoy yee mee with the dipping sauce and serve while it’s hot.