I’ve a confession to make; I’m not a morning person. But everyone needs to have a proper breakfast regardless what time you’re waking up. A fast meal will be a plus. This recipe can’t be easier. Especially with the ready made hashbrown. But, if you do not have hashbrown, don’t panic! You can always use regular bread to replace, and it will taste as good. I usually will have it during my breakfast but today I make it as a side dishes for my lunch meal.

These egg nests are a variation of many baked eggs recipe out there; you can always add some additional toppings like bacon, cheese and ham, anything you like! Don’t forget to press down the bottom to make these lovely au natural hashbrown bowls to cosy up with the fillings.

Good luck!

Baked Eggs With Hashbrown

Yield: 3 Pax

3 eggs
2 ready made hashbrown ( I’m using Simplot Hashbrown)
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
some salt
some pepper
cooking spray/ butter /oil
Garnishing: some chopped spring onion

1. Take out 2 frozen hashbrowns from a fridge and re-heat the hashbrown in the oven for 10 mins.
2. Preheat the oven to 220c for 10 mins.
3. Spray cooking oil generously on 3 muffin hole.
4. Take some of the hashbrowns and using your fingers gently press down the sides and bottom in each muffin hole to make a nest.
5. Then bake 220c for 15-20mins. Watch and make sure they do not burn.
6. Then, sprinkle some mozzarella cheese on the bottom.
7. Crack an egg into each one.
8. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
9. Bake at 180c or until the whites is set, about 10 -13 minutes.
10. Garnish with spring onion.


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